Mar 20, 2014

To the only you

first at all, my apologize to what i had done to you. like what u said, what done is done, we cnt change it. Just let it be. Thanks for your advice and I won't do that to my friend again. I doesn't mean anything. I just want u to be happy. Anyway, I wish you doin well in the future, truly hope that you can find someone love and care about you.
I am not belong to anyone. I tried so hard not to ignore you. I always keep in touch with you because i really care about you. You are the one I really care and hope we will be friend forever.
For the moment, nothing that we can do. Times will decide it.
I hope we can pass through of it and back to the usual us.
Mayb you belong to others and not me. Is ok.
If you need me o need someone to talk to, just give me a call or text me.
Good luck and all the best to you.
My dear friend. =)


June said...

Just let the past over. Be yourself now and look forward to future. :)

Woan Chee said...

Yes. Let it be n let her go. :)